Monday, September 7, 2009

Garandee's Kawawang Undies

Garandee and I have been doing our own dusting, packing and moving the past few days, and we are totally exhausted! So far we've got 75% of our stuff moved, mostly my wife's junk... Tomorrow I finally get to move some of my stuff.

Though the past week has been totally hectic and difficult, it was also a great opportunity for some husband and wife bonding.

Garando: "Phew, that's definitely the last batch we're doing today. I'll go back to our new home tomorrow to sort the boxes out and do some cleaning."

Garandee: "Hai... sooo tsukareta (tired)..."

Garando: "Now go freshen up and get dressed. Let's eat out tonight!"

Garandee: "OK! Something oishii (delicious) ne..."

Garando: "Yes, let's treat ourselves tonight."

Garandee: "DO!! Where are my undies?!?!"

Garando: " ??? "

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Kablogs Award

A few months ago I happened to come across the OFW (Overseas Filipino workers / expatriates) community in the internet. I enjoyed reading blogs about their experiences living in foreign soil, their personal thoughts about home and family, and not to mention the really nice photos they share!

Recently Thoughtsmoto held the "Kablogs award" - The Filipino worker/expat blog awards to recognize the best blogs among the community. I was a proud supporter but I had no idea that non-OFW blogs could also win!

Weemee Do Kablogs Award
"Blog na nagpapakita ng kakaibang
impormasyon at mga kwento

A blog that contains unique information and stories

Late last week I was very surprised when Balut & Natto was awarded with the "Astig Ng Blog Mo (Your blog is Cool)" Award!

Thank you to the Kablogs team, and of course to all those who nominated and voted for me! I really appreciate it!

I also want to congratulate all the other winners specially Isladenebz for winning the "Great Layout" Award! Head on over here to see the rest of the awards.

Garando mode:
Maraming Salamat Po (Thank you very much)!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Garandee Has a Fever

Oh my gulay...

The turnover date of our new home is in a couple of days and I had no idea the preparations for the move would be this hectic! Apart from my day job's already crazy schedule, all the requirements and paperwork that came with my mortgage application, the furniture and supplier hunt ate up whatever free time I had left.

Worst of all, I think my wife's finally got the "new home fever".

Garandee: "Oh, what's that you bought?"

Garando: "It's a cable organizer! It wraps all my PC's cables and wires together making it all neat and tidy. It's so cool! Perfect for my new room!"

Garandee: "IKAW!!!"

Garando: " !!! "

Garandee: "IT'S NOT WHITE!!!"

Garando: " ??? "

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obento Po!

Here's something I almost forgot to write about. A few months ago, just as I was about to leave for work, I found this taped on our front door.

obento po

Happy days are back again.

obento 01
Enter Garandee Bento 2.0

Wrapped exactly the way they do it in Japan, in elementary schools to be exact. I guess now I better be nice to her all the time or else I might find some of that delectable natto in there.

obento 02

Best of all, it's finally microwave safe. Itadakimasu!

I took those photos this morning, so yes, that obento sign is still plastered on our front door. And apparently Garandee's bento theme for today is "Bora-bora" (Japanized meat balls).

Garando mode:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Back from Sick Leave

Sorry for the looong absence!! I caught the flu a couple of weeks back and it was one of the worst influenzas I ever had to go through. It took me four days to finish watching that Angels and Demons film. I was that sick!

Weemee Do got The Flu

Was it AH1N1? Beats me. I didn't bother to have my throat swabbed because I can be very ticklish.

But one thing's for sure, when I'm bedridden Garandee loses a chauffeur.

Garandee: "DO! I'll take a TAXI going home, rest ikaw!"

Garando: "Try walking over to that gas station by the intersection. I always found it easier to get a TAXI over there."

Garandee: "Nyo, I don't want. It's dangelous!"

Garando: "Dangerous? It's a very populated area so it should be safe."

Garandee: "Nyo, might EXPLODE!"

Garando: "Explode?!?!"

Garandee: "...then I will become afro."

Garando: " ... "

Afro wife has seen too many action movies.

Garando mode:
It's dreadful how much work piles up after coming back from a long sick leave...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Conversations In Bed

After a busy day at work, it's the conversations that couples have before going to sleep that usually matter most...

Garandee: "Garando..."

Garando: "Yaaawn... Yes dear?"

Garandee: "Why is your nose too small for your face?"

Garando: "It's not small... You just find it unusual because your head's too big."

Garandee: "Nyo! My head is normal!"

Garando: "Then why do you think your eyes are too far apart?"

Garandee: "NYO! My eyes are fine! It's your stomach that's big!

Garando: " ... "

Garandee: "You really need to go on a diet you know, and you have always been telling me that... that... Do?"

Garando: "ZZZzzzzzz...."

Garandee mode:
Wake up, I'm not done with you yet!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Warsaw, Poland: Series 2 (part 2)

History of Warsaw 02

Separated by war, Iza’s grandparents struggle to survive each day with the hope of finding each other again… alive. This post continues their fascinating story through World War II.

read part one

01 history 07

Iza’s grandfather decided to join the ranks of the British SAS as a fighter pilot. If he was never to see his family again, he might was well fight in their honor.

02 history 11

Years passed and her grandfather survived mission after mission, taking down Axis planes and bombing strategic targets. Through the horrors of battle, his wife and children were never far from his mind.

04 history 12b

He was staying alive for them.

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